Pool Maintenance

Splash might not be great at maintenance (he prefers the ‘lounging poolside’ part), but our team sure is!

With our exceptional service, you'll have peace of mind, knowing that your pool is being maintained by a professional team.

Introducing our Premiere Pool Maintenance Service!

Are you tired of spending endless hours maintaining your pool? At Blue Springs Pool & Construction, we have the perfect solution for you. Our comprehensive pool maintenance service ensures that your pool remains crystal clear, pristine, and ready for you to enjoy all year round.

Check Chemical Levels

Scrub Walls & Floor

Skim Pool

Clean filters

Inspect pool

What Does Our Maintenance Service Include?

Our dedicated team of pool experts will take care of all your pool's maintenance needs. Here's what's covered in our unbeatable package:
1. Chemical Level Check: Our professionals will regularly test and adjust the chemical levels in your pool, ensuring a safe and balanced environment for swimming.
2. Thorough Scrubbing: We'll meticulously scrub the walls and floors of your pool, removing any stubborn dirt and algae, leaving your pool clean and hygienic.
3. Efficient Skimming and Vacuuming: Our team will skillfully skim the surface of your pool, removing leaves, debris, and other unwanted materials. We'll then vacuum the pool to eliminate dirt and particles that may have settled on the bottom.
4. Skimmer Basket and Trash Basket Cleaning: We'll take care of the necessary maintenance tasks, including emptying and cleaning the skimmer basket and trash basket, ensuring the efficient operation of your pool's filtration system.
5. Filter Cleaning or Backwashing: To keep the water in your pool crystal clear, we'll clean and inspect your pool's filters or backwash them if necessary. This ensures optimal performance and optimal water circulation.
6. Equipment Inspection: Our experts will conduct a visual inspection of your pool equipment to identify any potential issues before they escalate. This proactive approach helps to prevent costly repairs in the future.

Pricing Information and Contract
Our premium pool maintenance service starts at $279 per visit.
Contractual agreements are required so that we can provide you with the consistent, worry-free service that you deserve. This ensures that your pool receives weekly maintenance throughout the year, guaranteeing optimal cleanliness and functionality.

Why Choose Blue Springs Pool & Construction?
We understand that your pool is a valuable investment, and its maintenance is crucial to your enjoyment and peace of mind. By choosing us, you'll benefit from:

  • Highly skilled and experienced pool experts

  • Consistent and reliable year-round service

  • Attention to detail in every task we perform

  • Prompt response to any pool concerns or inquiries

  • Hassle-free service with a contractual agreement

Don't let pool maintenance stress you out. Let Blue Springs Pool & Construction handle all your pool maintenance needs, so you can spend more time enjoying your oasis. Contact us today to schedule your first maintenance visit and experience the difference our professional service can make!

Chemical level check and pool equipment inspection for peace of mind
Thorough and impeccable pool cleaning includes scrubbing and pool vacume
Our pool maintenance inlcudes thorough skimming of pool to keep it clean and sparkling